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About Banki Anchalika

Our Activities

 Residential Primary School

For 100 Nos. of Scheduled Caste Children from(Class-I to V) supporting adequate facilities as per the norms by the aegis of Ministry of SJ & E, GoI, New Delhi located at Khandapada Block of Nayagarh district as on-going basis since 1994-95.
Major Activities :-
Day-Schooling facilities with Extra coaching
Boarding Facilities to all
Education, Nutrition, Health Check-up, Recreation and Outing etc.

  Tribal Hostel programme

For 100 ST Students (Class-VI to X) covering 7 S.T pocket districts of Odisha State and supporting adequate facilities Nutrition, Health check-up, Education, Recreational and outing etc supported by Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GoI, New Delhi located at Banki Dompada Block in Cuttack district as on-going basis since 1998-99.
Activities :-
Yoga Practice and Extra coaching facilities
Life Skill Education Ensuring to participate at District & State level Competitions

 Integrated Programme for Senior Citizen Home (IPSr.C)

As the need & demand of the community BAAHKP started 3 Nos. of Day Care Centres at different location of Dompda Block of this district since the year 2000 and continued and as per the instructions of the Ministry of SJ&E, Govt. of India it has been converted to Senior Citizen Home(IPSr.C) and continuing since 2018-19 located at Indumatipatana, Dompada, Banki. Major activities :-
Logistic arrangement with bedding materials and clothing
Nutrition & regular Health Check-up
Yoga practice and Counselling
Recreational and outing etc
Care & Protection

 Organizing PRI Capacity building training

In Banki, Dompada , Athagarh & Nursinghpur Block of the District supported by SIRD, Panchayat Raj & Drinking water Deptt. Govt. of Odisha and DRDA, Cuttack.. Assigned Training support has been continuing to PRI Functionaries of the Blocks for their proper participation, management and keep transference at their respective GPs. .

 Empowerment of Dalit Rights :

Conducted Camps on Dalit Empowerment in the Area
Empowerment of Youth
Disaster Management & Rehabilitation
Environment protection
Action on Plantation
Programme on Agriculture & Horticulture
Promoted Lobby Advocacy for sustainable life

 Empowerment of Youth in the Locality:

In order to strengthen the Capacity of Dalit & OBC youth, BAAHKP conducted need based activities at the community level with collective community response.. The major activities are as :
>Focused on Dalit Rights
>Youth Leadership
>Socio-Economic Empowerment
>Skill Development Training
Strengthening our Rich Culture :
By the support of Govt. Culture Deptt. We conduct Cultural activities in the community.


In order to keep our environment clean & green, we conduct need based nativities in the community with alliance with CBOs, NGOs, SHGs and PRIs with lines deptt.
Major activities :-
Formation & Promotion of Farmers Club
Bio-diversity conservation
Awareness building at the community level
Raising of Nursery & Plantation
Ensure Water resilience crops
Water body, Organic and house waste Management
Strengthening of ECO-Club at the Institutional level
Promotion of SWATCHHA Bharat Avijan

  Programme on women empowerment:

Promoted 1260 Women SHGs, JLG in 17138 members
Promoted 8 Nos.of Self-Help module co-operative
10 No. of Women federation
Legal literacy camps to SHG members
Capacity Building training to SHG management
Micro Credit linkages & Livelihood promotion, Entrepreneurship development.

 Disaster Management & Emergency Response :

Though the target area is disaster prone in Flood & Cyclone, BAAHKP conducted integrated approach disaster Management & Early Response activities as per the basic need of the community and to minimize the vulnerability.
Major activities :-
Preparation of VDMP
Formation and promotion of VDMC & Task force
Emergency Relief work
Rehabilitation and Livelihood promotion
Promotion of water resilience crops
Convergence with lines department

 Computer Training, Tailoring & Leather Training

Implementing Child Labour School programme for 50 Child Labour students in Banki Block of Cuttack District, supporting as per the norms of the Scheme like Nutrition, Vocational Training, Primary Education, Health Check –up etc.

 Strengthening Education in Human Value programme :

In order to restore our heritage and value addict education , we ensured College and School going students of Banki & Banki Dompada Block of Cuttack District in strengthening Education in Human Value activities Like, Folk Dance, vale addict theaters.etc.

 Child Welfare programme

Through Creche Centre and supporting Nutrition, Health check-up & preprimary Education in the SC,ST & Back ward pocket of the Block.
Imparted Yoga programme in School Education
As per the scheme funded by Ministry of H.R.D, Govt. of India 90 Nos of Primary/M.E. School standard Teachers were trained on Yoga Practicing in 3 batches for 3 months residential basis for impart yoga in School Education at Banki & Banki Dompada Block of Cuttack district.

 Programme on Health :

Reproductive & Child Health (RCH) programme in the health unserved are of the Block
Conducted HIV/AIDS Awareness,
Swastya mela, Health Camps,
Adolescent life skill Education.
Massive Awareness Campaign on RCH and Social marketing of Modern Family planning method.
Malaria and Failaria , T.B. control programme and carried out Water & sanitation programme in the rural community.
Naturopathy & Yoga Awareness prograame for better health of the common people.

  ASHA Workers Training in Banki & Banki Dompada Block in the district sponsored by C.D.M.O. Cuttack.  
Self Employment Opportunities among WOMEN OF SC, STs. AND OBC

Vocational Training of Type & Short hand Training for 50 SC Youth
Vocational Training on Leather Art for 25 Nos. of S.C. women
Training on Computer Application
Food processing Training for Rural Women
Mushroom Cultivation Training for Women & girls.
Vocational Training to rural women on Tailoring & Embroidery

 Promoted Local Artisans on Skill up gradation & Designing Development by the Support of Ministry of Textile, Deptt. of DC Handicrafts, New Delhi.

Identified of local Artisans
Skill Up gradation
Designing development
Marketing Tie-up.
Promotion of inter state Marketing

 BAAHKP has been taken as key attention towards promotion of Agriculture & Environment building measure in Banki & Banki Dompada Block of Cuttack district. As a sustainable livelihood and generate employment opportunity among the rural young farmers & youth, BAAHKP ensure integral approach activities in Agro based farming, productivity and marketing tie up with bank linkages. The following out reach as:- .

Promoted 50 nos of Farmers Club in the area & supported skill and capacity building in scientific farming/high yield.
Promoted 600 Women SHGs dependable in agriculture based farming out of 1200 Nos.
Supported flood registrant seeds and land management with Bio-diversity Management/ Recycling in agriculture field.
Ensured Vermy compost against the use of pesticide in order to keep environment clean & green. & generated employment.
Promoted kitchen garden to meet the daily nutrition.
Formation of VSS and capacity building to manage Social forestry.
Linked with the Govt. support/ Services for their accessabilit6y.
Environment building throughCommunity awareness
Nursery raising & plantation at School level
Awareness on Hygiene & sanitation